Lake Aid Volunteers make over 1000 masks to raise funds

During the Covid 19 lockdown, the Lake Aid community launched a mask making project to raise funds for our future activities and to provide masks for people in need. 

The masks cost 6€ each but our unique concept was that for 10€ you could buy one mask and also donate one mask to a person in need in Annecy.  

We were inundated with orders, the reaction to the project was fantastic! 

We offered 2 different styles of masks and 4 different sizes following the guidelines from AFNOR or CHU Grenoble. 

We received 160 orders from members of our community in Annecy, but also from people all over France and even from Switzerland and Belgium! 

These 160 orders for 728 masks enabled Lake Aid to donate 507 masks to: 

  • Secours Populaire
  • 5 different Red Cross Shelters
  • Asylum seeking families living in hotels 
  • Ligue de droits de l’Homme

Volunteers worked hard sewing but also taking orders, delivering and lets not forget the queuing outside material shops to buy material and elastic in order to keep up with demand! 

The final steps of this project is to supply 2 different Red Cross Shelters with a sewing machine, material, elastic and thread. Some of the adults living the centres can sew and want to help the centres with their mask needs and also this a way to help the shelters create community by making and repairing clothes and toys for example. 

A huge thanks to Tristan, Jackie, Judy, Mureille, Nazire & Zymrije making a total of 1235 masks! 

Thank you to our delivery team Delphine, Carolina and to Suzanne for managing the different donations. 

Thanks also to Helen our project manager. 

With the funds raised from this project, in addition to the 507 masks donated, we have already been able to implement actions such as a bike trip for the young isolated minors, a donation of 100€ worth of toiletries to the Ligue des Droits de L’Homme. This summer we will be supplying sports equipment to the Etape de Semnoz, continuing regular excursions with the young minors, making sure all the children have all the school supplies they need for September and then planning our annual Christmas party.