Lake Aid fun at the Carnival!

A great day was had by all on Saturday 23rd March when Lake Aid volunteers accompanied the children from the Etape du Semnoz to the Carnival in Annecy!  

Armed with face paint and fancy dress costumes, our volunteers went up to the Etape du Semnoz and had a lot of fun dressing up all the kids, face-painting and decorating masks before heading down into Annecy to join in the parade.

Around 30 children and their parents joined in the fun. The children were very well behaved and thanked us warmly at the end.

It really was a team effort – Claire from the Red Cross for the poster and the coordination, Britta for preparing 36 goodie bags, Helen for organising volunteers, Carolina for ordering the masks, while Hajni, Yvonne, Phoebe, Sandra and James did a great job on dressing up and face-painting. And a special thank you to Emma for taking home 3 big bags of costumes to wash, ready for next time! We are going to keep a stock of Lake Aid fancy dress costumes, so do please give us more – especially super heros and gladiators!

We are looking into attending more local events with the children, involving them as much as possible in local life here in Annecy.