Change is in the air

Hello, it’s already mid April and we have not yet introduced our new Board for the association, elected at our last AGM on February 7th.

We cannot do this without thanking, with overflowing enthusiasm, our leaving president Felicity, pillar of Lake Aid since its origins, and Helen, our dynamic and joyful events organiser. Thankfully both will remain active members of our association.

Lake Aid started as a Facebook group aiming to collect clothes for refugee camps in Austria and became an official Association in 2017. Bilingual French-English, our group unites the international communities around Annecy and all the way to Tignes.

The new Board is as cosmopolitan as the previous one:

– President : Suzanne BALTAZARD
– Vice President : Claude SUBIRANA
– Treasurer :  Jackie HALE 
– Vice Treasurer : Tristan HALE
– Secretary : Carolina COMTE
– Vice secretary : Rachel DUCOIN-SMITH
– Vice secretary : Nerys ROBERTS-LAW
– Lake Aid Tignes Representative : Clare Dawson

We welcome two new members, who were already very active volunteers with Lake Aid.
Indeed, Rachel organised beach outings and swimming lessons last summer, bringing joy to many! With Jackie, she also put a lot of time and energy into the distribution of Christmas boxes, following the framework orchestrated by Helen the previous year in 2020.

As for Nerys, she has taken charge of the homework club project since the start of the school year. Like Rachel, her charisma and team spirit have allowed her to quickly set up a team of efficient volunteers.

We also wish to thank the other members of the Board renewing their engagement, including our precious treasury duo Jackie and Tristan as well as Carolina who will continue as secretary, having asked for help with some of the role’s tasks.

Of course, their involvement does not end at these official administrative roles as they enthusiastically continue to help with all of Lake Aid’s activities.

We thank Claude for her work researching and setting up employment opportunities for asylum seeking families.

We are really delighted to continue our actions together, keeping Lake Aid alive in the same spirit of simplicity, generosity and friendly atmosphere as always and we remain open to any of your suggestions and ideas !

We regularly keep you informed of our activities in our Facebook group and on this blog.

Thank you to all our members and donors.
