Bikes and music around Annecy lake for unaccompanied minors.

A group of Lake Aid volunteers took six unaccompanied minors on June 3rd and eight on June 24th biking around Annecy lake. We left in the morning, had a picnic at one of the beaches, enjoyed the refreshing water of the lake and turned back in mid-afternoon. 

The kids did a great job swallowing the 36 kilometers and the Talloires hill, despite some cramps and a bit of fatigue for the youngest ones – aging around thirteen. 

The kids had fun along the way, and a couple of them entertained the group with afro-rap music during the entire trip. On June 24th we celebrated the 17 years birthday of one of the kids with ice creams for everyone. 

Special thanks to BaseCamp in Talloires for offering the bike rentals to the kids on the 24th  and to Cyclable Bike Rentals in Annecy for the discount rentals on the 3rd June. 

The volunteers enjoyed spending time with these youngsters with such different backgrounds but all sharing the same situation nowadays. We had fun discussions around afro-rap music versus pop-rock music, and were happy to take the group around such a lovely place and for a tour that was a real challenge for most of the kids – very few did ever bike more than 10 kilometers in a row. We look forward to repeating such outings.